Zollty Tsou's Homepage


资深架构师,技术专家, 熟悉: 微服务,前端,运维,中间件,Java/Go,大数据,技术中台,容器云, DevOps, ChatOps, AI技术等;

Currently(2016), Zollty is working on distributed system architect and big data platform, which provide support for large-scale enterprise applications, and lead team of three projects.
His interests mainly include distributed system, middleware technology, infrastructure and framework, big data processing, performance and security issues in system architectures, and focus on emerging technologies.

He loves open source projects, He's the author of ZolltyMVC (a lightweight Java MVC Framework), zollty-tmpl.js (template engine with JavaScript), Jretty-Server (a Java HTTP Servlet server support to run jar/war on Android System),
Kafka-xclient (The 'Best practice' of kafka consumer and producer.), Buddhad(a Golang client/server system to control Processes on UNIX-like operating systems) and so on.


技术专题分享:<个人技术博客>>   生活和工作经验分享:<个人说说空间>   快速联系方式:zollty@163.com

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